Home Characters 18 Best Hololive VTubers – Who Deserves Your Time

18 Best Hololive VTubers – Who Deserves Your Time

Hololive question mark

Be sure to prepare whatever funds you have ready – whatever it takes to ensure that these Hololive VTubers read your smiley face super chat message! Whatever your taste in VTubers is, Hololive assuredly has a VTuber for you!

So, what is Hololive?

Hololive is an company that employs VTubers. Usually, VTubers fall into one of two categories. They are either independent – downloading the animation software, designing their avatar and streaming all off their own back. Or, they belong to a larger conglomerate such as the famous NijiSanji. Hololive, however, has exploded into popularity in recent years with upwards of five generations of JP Vtubers, soon to be two generations of EN VTubers and several generations of ID VTubers as well. Because of these reasons, Hololive is a great entry point for English listeners.

Needless to say, with such a plethora of VTubers on offer, you will not have trouble finding the perfect VTuber to watch. However, it can be daunting trying to decide which VTuber will cater to your specific tastes. Here, let’s briefly go over some of the most popular Hololive VTubers, and why exactly they are worth going bankrupt over for the small chance they may read your super chat!

For a more in-depth look at VTubers in general, be sure to check out our dedicated VTubers article here!

1. Kiryu Coco

Hololive Generation: 4

Debut Date: YouTube: 2019/12/28

Age: 3501 years old

Coco is probably the easiest Hololive talent for those not in the know, to increase their understanding of VTubers.

Coco is fluent in three languages – English, Japanese and degenerate. Yes, she is a sh*tposter just like the rest of us, constantly reviewing Reddit memes, as well as teaching her fellow idols all about the naughtiest words in the English language. If you don’t enjoy listening to bad words, please do not watch this video.

2. Inugami Korone

Generation: Hololive GAMERS

Debut Date: YouTube: 2019/04/13

Age: 90 (Dog Years)

A lot of people’s introduction to VTubers came from Korone and her many exploits. A variety streamer and player of multiple games, developers have even placed easter eggs into their games honoring her!

Inugami Korone
Inugami Korone

One half of the “are they really a couple?” Okayu x Korone pairing (dubbed Okakoro by fans) Korone is a ball of energy, completing several incredibly long, full-day streams. Eekum Bokum will forever be a classic.

3. Gawr Gura

Generation: Hololive EN

Debut Date: YouTube: 2020/09/13

Age: between 9,000 and 10,000 years old (has forgotten exact number after ~5,000 years)

First of the VTubers to hit one million subscribers and subsequently, the first to hit two million subscribers recently as well. Gura rose to fame due to her amusing personality and quick wit.

Gawr Gura
Gawr Gura

Check out Gura doing what she does best – singing, playing games and telling stories. She may be a shark but she sure sings like a siren!


4. Akai Haato (Haachama)

Generation: 1

Debut Date: YouTube: 2018/06/02

Age: 19

Haachama is a jack of all trades streamer. Be it karaoke, cooking, gaming, Haachama can do it all. You might assume that this cute little blonde leans toward the more innocent side of Hololive. Oh how naïve you are.

Akai Haato (Haachama)

When I mentioned cooking earlier, I failed to mention that Haachama enjoys using…less traditional ingredients. From tarantulas to scorpions, it’s never a dull moment at the Haachama household. Moreover, Haachama has also completed several streams in which she reviews lewd fan arts of herself, as well as a spicy noodle challenge which resulted in…well, best you look it up for yourself. Haachama’s English skill is also incredibly good, as she has collaborated several times with the other English VTubers (her and Coco being the pioneers to create an EN VTubers generation in the first place). While not at Coco’s level, she is improving every day to increase her foreign viewer base.

5. Usada Pekora

Generation: 3

Debut Date: YouTube: 2019/07/17

Age: 111

People say that you can’t hear pictures or images. Fans of Usada Pekora know this to be false. Were I to place a set of arrows right here, for example: ← ↑ → ↓, I’m sure the laughter has already started playing out inside your head.

Usada Pekora
Usada Pekora

Pekora started her streaming platform as a very kind and innocent rabbit girl. However, she has since evolved into a ruthless tyrant of construction in Minecraft and has even amassed a harem of sorts, containing Indonesian and English VTubers Moona and Kiara respectfully.


6. Shirokami Fubuki

Generation: 1

Debut Date: YouTube: 2018/06/01

Age: 18

Shirokami “Best Friend” Fubuki rose to fame through her masochistic fan base who enjoy having their hopes and dreams destroyed. You see, upon receiving a countless number of marriage proposals from hopeful viewers, she was left with no other resort than to place each and every last one of them into the friend zone. We truly do live in the darkest timeline.

Shirokami Fubuki
Shirokami Fubuki

However, there was a short glimmer of hope as, at the recent Hololive pay-per-view concert, Fubuki accepted the viewers’ proposal and agreed to be their wife for that one special day. The debate of “Cat vs. Fox” will rage on into eternity. However, we can all come together to console one another as we live out the rest of our days in the friend zone.


7. Sakura Miko

Generation: 0

Debut Date: YouTube: 2018/08/01

Age: 18.2

Miko is another fan favorite and was the catalyst for many fans diving down the rabbit hole of VTubers. If you think of Coco as the epitome of English ability amongst the Japanese VTubers, Miko resides at the other end of the spectrum. Without trying to sound too harsh, there is a reason why Miko’s English ability is jokingly referred to as “Elite”.

Sakura Miko
Sakura Miko

“Freedom…uhh…Freedom lady!” when attempting to refer to the Statue of Liberty, is but one of Miko’s many English mannerisms. When not attempting to speak English, Miko can be seen singing or playing several games.

8. Houshou Marine

Generation: 3

Debut Date: 2019/08/11

Age: 17 Second Season

Marine is another sufferer of difficult to understand English (her utterances being comically referred to as “Marinenglish”. She often frequents Reddit but has become infamous for being constantly horny.

Houshou Marine
Houshou Marine

Marine often completes singing and gaming streams as well as recently throwing her hat into the ring for Reddit meme reviews (alongside Coco’s helpful translations when needed.


9. Uruha Rushia

Generation: 3

Debut Date: YouTube: 2019/07/18

Age: 1600 years old/16 years old (Original Age at Debut)

Rushia is the very most kind and thoughtful out of all VTubers. Her soft-spoken voice is very soothing to listen to whether she be doing karaoke, commentating over video games, or simply doing some ASMR. Undoubtedly, she is the calmest and sophisticated out of all other VTubers.

Wait a minute…can you guys hear that ominous music as well?

Uruha Rushia
Uruha Rushia

You see, Rushia has a dark side. A yandere side that only comes out when chat disrespects her biggest insecurity. Take a look for yourself and see just what lies in store should you provoke Uruha Rushia.


10. Natsuiro Matsuri

Generation: 1

Debut Date: YouTube: 2018/06/01

Age: 16

Matsuri is another of the original VTubers with who many started their journey. Unlike her many fantastical acquaintances who range from rabbits to dogs to dragons – Matsuri is just your average, everyday girl who prefers using band-aids instead of a bra and is actually a complete degenerate. IS THERE NO-ONE WHOLESOME ON THIS SITE!?

Natsuiro Matsuri
Natsuiro Matsuri

Joking aside, Matsuri’s stories definitely evoke the most laughter. Should you find yourself craving some high school antics since your school is shut due to quarantine, let Matsuri take your minds away from her interesting youth.

11. Nekomata Okayu

Generation: Hololive GAMERS

Debut Date: YouTube: 2019/04/06

Age: 16

Amidst all the chaos, here we have the straight man of Hololive VTubers. With all the craziness going on, VTubers needed someone with a more relaxed personality to bounce off of. Okayu is that calming presence who no matter how chaotic things become, can be relied on to keep the atmosphere mellow.

Nekomata Okayu
Nekomata Okayu

The other half to the KoronexOkayu pairing, Okayu is the rock that keeps Korone from floating off into the clouds. Should you be in the mood for a break from the screaming and shouting, Okayu has got your back.

12. Takanashi Kiara

Generation: Hololive EN

Debut Date: YouTube: 2020/09/12

Age: Eternal

Kiara is a triple threat being able to speak English, Japanese and German with incredible fluency. Because of this, she often collaborates with not only her EN VTubers, but with the Japanese VTubers as well (as seen in her talk show).

Takanashi Kiara
Takanashi Kiara

Kiara is another branch between the EN VTubers and JP VTubers. With the ability to converse in both languages at the same level as Coco, Kiara hosts her own talk show known as Holotalk, where she talks with JP VTubers and provides excellent translation for viewers in chat. Not only this but she also completes gaming and singing streams aplenty as well! Perhaps we could see a German VTuber generation in the near future if Kiara keeps up the good work!

13. Amelia Watson

Generation: Hololive EN

Debut Date: YouTube: 2020/09/13

Age: Unknown (Birthday = 6 January – the supposed birthday of Sherlock Holmes)

Amelia is a little ball of wackiness. The countless stores she has on offer surrounding her incredibly interesting life, are amusing at the least, and incredibly disturbing at most.

Amelia Watson
Amelia Watson

Just be warned, however. Some of her stories cannot be unheard!

14. Mori Calliope

Generation: Hololive EN

Debut Date: YouTube: 2020/09/12

Age: No

Calli does not do much different than any of the other VTubers. She plays games, talks to the chat. Where Calli stands out from the crowd however, is with her incredible rapping prowess.

Mori Calliope
Mori Calliope

Releasing several original songs (“Excuse my rudeness but could you please rip” is incredible to listen to), Calli has proven her ability to make it in the music industry.


15. Arurandeisu

Generation: Holostars

Debut Date: YouTube: 2019/09/08

Age: 37

Don’t think VTubers are exclusively women. Holostars is a sub-division of Hololive featuring all male VTubers. While there are many to choose from, I chose Arurandeisu as he has several featured streams explaining Japanese slang.


It can be daunting to get into Hololive with very low Japanese ability. Moreover, upon gaining some skill in the language, the use of slang from the VTubers might prove too difficult to understand. Aruran has you covered so try to improve as best you can, and feel free to share with him some of our English slang. While his streams can be very educational, they are not without their own charm. Internet culture has birthed a whole slew of slang that has not made it across the pond just yet. Trying to explain words like ‘yeet’, ‘pog’, and ‘bruh’ to someone not in the know is hilariously entertaining!

16. Kureiji Ollie

Generation: Hololive ID

Debut Date: YouTube: 2020/12/04

Age: 17 forever (age of death)

Recently debuting under the Indonesian Hololive generation, Ollie is essentially a viewer of VTubers given animated form. She was an addict before becoming part of the community and is not afraid to fawn over all her lovely senpai VTubers.

Kureiji Ollie
Kureiji Ollie

Ollie has garnered a bit of a reputation for her harem protagonist rank EX flirting powers. As she puts it, “if you breath, you are my wife”. No matter who it is, Ollie will FLERT her way into their heart.

16) Ninomae Ina’nis

Generation: Hololive EN

Debut Date: YouTube: 2020/09/13

Age: ████ (somebody spilled ink on the page!!)

Ina is the final hope that Hololive may one day become a true-blue idol organization. While the others on this list pay no heed to their dignity and are more than comfortable discussing various lewd topics, Ina remains pure and is the definition of a ‘seiso’ idol.

Ninomae Ina'nis
Ninomae Ina’nis

Ina loves puns and has more than her fair share of dad jokes with which she loves to torture her chat. However, where Ina truly shines is her magnificent artistic ability. Often completing several artworks on stream of herself or other Hololive members, it is very relaxing tuning into an Ina art stream. Be sure to show her and her amazing talent some love!


17. Aki Rosenthal

Generation: 1

Debut Date: YouTube: 2018/06/07
Mirrativ: 2018/06/01
TwitCasting: 2018/06/04
OPENREC.tv: 2018/06/12
bilibili: 2019/05/03

Age: NA

As of now, most of the Hololive VTubers fall into the same category. Incredibly cute. However, should you be in the mood for something more mature, Akirose is your best bet.

Aki Rosenthal

Akirose does a great job of filling the motherly role should you be in the market for some more mature action. That is not to say that she is a one-note ‘ara ara’ meme machine however. She also has a lot of personality. For better or worse…


18. Oozora Subaru

Generation: 2

Debut Date: YouTube: 2018/09/16

Age: NA

Oozora “Shuba Shuba” Subaru is a duck. That is all.

Oozora Subaru

Hololive also caters to those who are bigger fans of tomboys as Subaru is very extroverted and boyish in nature (often shouting “OMAE” which is a traditionally male way of referring to someone else). She often plays the straight man in collaborations – reacting appropriately to whatever crazy shenanigans her partners are up to. She has a habit of saying the phrase “shuba shuba” to express contentment or excitement.

Tell Us Your Favorite Hololive VTuber!

This list does not even begin to scratch the surface of Hololive content nor Hololive VTubers. For that reason, do not feel bad if your favorite did not make it onto the list – be sure to check back soon as we update our content regularly.

Who is your favorite VTuber or what is your favorite VTuber moment? Let us know down below!